Mar 10, 2021
Welcome back from the break everyone and welcome to season 9 of the Peak Human podcast! I’m Brian Sanders and I’m back from Africa with some stories! What an epic journey! I went there with Mary Ruddick, her boyfriend Drako who helped film, and director/filmographer Jay to spend some time with native living tribes to learn from them and get footage for the Food Lies film. For new listeners Food Lies is a feature-length documentary I’ve been working on for years. I’ve interviewed many of the top doctors, nutrition, and agriculture experts around the world and am now in the final stages of post-production.
You can find the (very outdated) trailer and some great highlight clips on the Food Lies youtube channel. You can also find out about all that we’re doing at and link to the film page from there.
This is a special episode today with the nutrition genius Mary Ruddick who graciously planned this whole trip. I’d definitely recommend watching the video version of this podcast on the Food Lies youtube so you can see Mary’s radiant, healthy face as well as photos of what we are talking about.
This episode is just on the Maasai tribe in Tanzania. We visited 2 main communities and talk about all that we learned from our time with them. We’ll have 3 more episodes coming out soon covering all the tribes and clans we spent time with.
You’ll here some super unique first-hand experience with one of the few groups of people in the world still living close to how they’ve lived for thousands of years. These are the people where the men live mostly on meat, blood, and milk. Spoiler alert - Mary and I drank the fresh blood and milk straight from the cow. Super cool experience along with a ton of other stuff we learned on how they are so healthy and live so long.
Just to remind everyone this show takes on no advertisers or outside funding and is made possible by my organizations Nose to Tail and Sapien. We have the sustainable raised grass fed meat, body care products, seasonings, and more at and we have our physician supervised weight loss and disease reversal programs at
If you’re familiar with these great products and services feel free to skip ahead to the start of the show. We have so many great stories coming in from email or social media from customers telling us how much they love the products.
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