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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Apr 27, 2022

Specializing in human evolution and the aspects revealed through the analysis of ancient animal bones, Jessica Thomspon is a leading voice in paleo-anthropology, evolutionary theory and hunter-gatherer ethnography.

She is a professor at Yale University and also leads the Malawi ancient Lifeways and Peoples Project in...

Apr 20, 2022

Keith Norris is an author, speaker, and the founder of Paleo f(x), the world’s premier holistic wellness event, covering health, nutrition, spirituality, entrepreneurship and everything in between, which is happening on the 29th of April  through May 1st. 



He and his wife also...

Apr 13, 2022

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is a General Practitioner in Medicine from Scotland, and focuses the bulk of his research and writing on cholesterol, atherosclerosis, stress, and the myths around them.

He is an outspoken critic of the cholesterol focus of heart disease, overprescription of medications, and the dirty plays of...

Apr 7, 2022

Zoe Harcombe, PhD is a researcher, author, blogger and public speaker in the field of diet and health. Her areas of interest/expertise are public health dietary guidelines (especially dietary fat), nutrition and obesity. She regularly is interviewed on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.
She has a BA and MA...