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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Aug 24, 2022

Embracing nature, loving the land, and teaching how you can embrace regenerative agriculture and cryptocurrency, Tristan Scott, is the author of the recently released Bitcoin and Beef: Criticisms, Similarities, and Why Decentralization Matters. 

Both the regenerative agriculture space and the supporters of Bitcoin have...

Aug 17, 2022

Dr Chaffee is an American medical doctor and Neurosurgical resident who, over a span of 20+ years, has researched the optimal nutrition for human performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases we treat as doctors are caused by the food we eat, or don't eat, and can be reversed...

Aug 10, 2022

Kate Deering brings 25 years of experience in the holistic health and wellness space, along with a robust and tested approach to healing someone - nutritionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. 

With a dense background in sports performance, biochemistry, and physiology, Kate has recently shifted her thoughts on...

Aug 3, 2022

Dave Asprey is the  “Father of Biohacking”, a 4x New York Times Bestselling Author,  the founder of several companies such as Bulletproof and Upgrade Labs, as well the host of the award-winning podcast The Human Upgrade. 

Dave’s mission is to empower the entire globe with information and knowledge that unlocks the...