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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Sep 26, 2018

Dr. Bill Schindler is the director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab at Washington College where he is also an associate professor of archaeology and anthropology.  Two years ago he co-hosted the National Geographic show The Great Human Race. He spent the last year abroad continuing his hands-on research and professional...

Sep 20, 2018

Luis is a smart and level-headed guy that doesn't get caught up in a lot of dietary dogma. He has been helping people lose weight and get in better shape for many, many years. He’s the cofounder of an awesome community called Ketogains. You need to google some photos of him to make sure you appreciate the advice he...

Sep 11, 2018

Dr. Georgia Ede is a psychiatrist, researcher, and an advocate of nutrition and diet as an alternative approach to standard medications. She’s also a speaker and writer and although has spent much time working and taking courses at Harvard, she has not fallen into their plant based diet dogma. She, in fact,...