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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Aug 29, 2018

Ok everyone, we’re back early! The Harvard studies and researchers need debunking. Low carb diets reduce lifespan? Coconut oil is pure poison? I’ve had enough of this insanity. Not only is Monsanto funding a lot of their studies, but I think they really believe this vegan stuff and it’s turning them into bad...

Aug 13, 2018

Today we’re hearing from Gary Taubes who I got a chance to interview for Food Lies a couple months ago when he was in LA. Gary is an investigative science and health journalist who for the past 20 years has been questioning the bad science that’s been done along with the mainstream nutritional wisdom. He’s written...

Aug 7, 2018

Today we have Peter Ballerstedt who has a Phd in forage production and utilization. He’s also an expert in ruminant nutrition (this means cows, sheep, bison, etc.) He travels around the US and world giving lectures on the necessity and benefits of animal agriculture, for the health of our environment and human...